Preparing For An Interview

Are you preparing for an upcoming interview?  Our team of Recruiters has put together tips and guidelines to assist you in preparing for what to expect and to help lead you through the entire Syneos Health interview process.

Types of Interviews



This phone interview may be conducted with a Syneos Health Recruiter or a Hiring Manager. Plan to be in a quiet area prior to the scheduled call with your resume in hand.  Research Syneos Health and our business lines, and organize questions about the specifics of the position.  Prepare to walk through and answer questions about your career history.



Video interviews are fast becoming a common interviewing practice and you may be invited to complete a 1-way video interview or a live video interview. Prepare much as you would a formal interview.  Dress professionally and make sure to check your equipment, connectivity and lighting prior to the scheduled interview.



Depending on the position, you may meet with one or more hiring managers via separate meetings over one day or you may meet with multiple managers in one meeting via a multi-panel format. This is your opportunity to shine – make sure to research the position thoroughly and have all presentation material completed.


Before The Interview Groundwork

  • Always answer your phone professionally.  Ensure your voicemail is set up and your greeting is professional.  Confirm that your mailbox is cleaned out and available to accept messages
  • Utilize an email with a professional address
  • Be positive throughout the process, don’t speak negatively regarding previous companies and/or managers
  • Create a plan for how you will ramp up quickly in this role (ex. 30/60/90 business plan)
  • Research the hiring manager on LinkedIn
  • Conduct research on Syneos Health, the client hiring for the role, products and overall knowledge of the opportunity
  • Be able to explain why you want THIS job and not just ANY job (what’s your motivation)
  • Plan to discuss what specifically attributed to your successes (sales numbers, projects that you led, etc.)


Behavioral-based Interviewing

Prepare to answer behavioral based questions. These are short narratives describing times when you overcame a crisis, led a team, met a deadline, resurrected a failed project, etc.   The best techniques for managing a behavioral-based interview may include researching the position thoroughly so you’re well-informed, planning ahead for the types of interview questions you may be asked, and being prepared to walk through your responses with the interviewer. The interviewer will be focusing on core competencies such as Planning & Prioritizing and Customer Focus. Your answers should be concise and specific with detail.  Think about your work experiences and be prepared to share given examples and outcomes.

Sales Demonstration

As part of the formal interview process, you may be asked to prepare a sales presentation with your interviewers about a specified product or a product of your choosing. Expect for this to be a back and forth dialogue, with interviewers asking questions and points of clarification. You should prepare to research the product in-depth or pick a product in which you have significant knowledge. Your job in this conversation is to ensure your interviewers end up feeling as strongly about the product as you do. Plan to include any materials you feel will serve as a visual guide and help bolster your presentation. 


Presenting a Case Study

Another component of the interview process may include presenting a case study. Typically, you will be presented with the case study requirements prior to the scheduled interview date wherein you will have ample time for preparation.  The case study typically consists of an authentic business scenario where you will be tasked with analyzing data and presenting it in a conversational manner utilizing the SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) format. You may be asked to prepare a suggested action plan which will include all the deliverables you would recommend based on your analysis. The interviewer will then assess your overall strategy and execution plans presented in addition to your presentation skills.  You will be asked to leverage the analyzed data to develop an action plan and present it in a concise manner. 


Closing for the Job

Once the hiring manager has concluded the interview, you must proceed into your close.  This is the time to reiterate your strong interest in the job and why you should be a candidate for consideration.  Remember, if you don’t successfully close the interviewer on you as a candidate, how can you expect them to visualize you closing a prospect on their product or service?  


Interview Dos and Don’ts

The interview is your first step in the door and it is important to make a positive first impression.  Our Recruiting team has put together the following dos and don’ts to help you in putting your best foot forward before, during and after the interview.

  • Before
    • DO dress in business attire
    • DO research the company
    • DO bring a copy of your resume and references
    • DO bring a pen and notebook to takes notes throughout the interview
    • DO prepare questions to ask during the interview
    • DO psyche yourself up!  It’s okay if you are nervous or a little frightened.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain
    • DON’T be unprepared for the interview.  You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression
  • During
    • DO demonstrate passion, enthusiasm and energy throughout the interview
    • DO be confident.  You are the kind of employee this employer needs
    • DO represent yourself honestly
    • DO maintain direct eye contact
    • DO ask questions about the position, company and the interviewer
    • DON’T get too comfortable.  Remain professional and on guard
    • DON’T ever say anything negative.  Be careful when speaking about past and present employers
  • After
    • DO jot down notes to help you remember the highlights of the interview (questions, your impressions, and your performance).  These notes will help you in the future interviews along with writing thank you letters
    • DO email a thank you letter within 24 hours
    • Click to view expense information

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